Climate Atlas
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Climate Atlas

The Danish Climate Atlas provides useful data for the municipalities


DMI has developed a nationwide Danish Climate Atlas based on in-house data, data from the IPCC and various international databases. 


The Danish Climate Atlas provides data on municipality, drainage basin and coastal stretch levels showing future changes in temperature, precipitation, extreme precipitation, relative sea level and storm surge heights. It thereby gives an indication of areas with a particular future risk of being impacted by extremes. The tool provides the fundamental climate data so municipalities can take the necessary precautions and guard citizens, infrastructure and buildings against the expected extreme weather in the future.


In Denmark, the municipalities are responsible for climate adaptation, for example, building dikes or securing exposed areas from cloudbursts. The Danish Climate Atlas therefore has the municipalities and their climate adaptation as its primary focus, but it is also relevant for the regions, utility companies, infrastructure, agriculture, emergency management, insurance, consultants and many other sectors. The Climate Atlas is thus developed in a valuable collaboration with the municipalities and other relevant stakeholders working on climate adaptation.


The Danish Climate Atlas is an authoritative data set on the projected physical changes in weather and climate, i.e., precipitation until it hits the ground and sea water until it hits the coast. But it does not directly address the subsequent fate of surface water, which means that there is no direct information on where flooding will occur, water levels in lakes and streams, ground water levels or coastal erosion. The data in the Climate Atlas should therefore be combined with local knowledge on ground water levels, sewers, dikes etc. to complete the full impact analyses of the changing climate conditions. The municipalities can thereby use this nationwide tool in their planning of climate change adaptation measures and in their dialogue with utility companies and consultants.


Data in the Climate Atlas shows the future Danish climate in the beginning, middle and end of the century for two different greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Currently, we show data on future temperature, rainfall, extreme rainfall, sea level and storm surges both at national and municipality levels – and down to a 1 km grid scale. Further data are added towards 2021 for other relevant climate indicators such as wind, evaporation, growth season and very extreme storm surges.

Senest redigeret: 16-08-2022