KAMP - a climate change adaptation and land-use tool for planning and environmental workers
KAMP is a screening tool that compares selected national data, calculations and projections and it is aimed in particular at planning and environmental works in local government.
KAMP shows the areas where possible climate change impacts may require looking into. As something new, KAMP can be used to see exactly how many buildings and kilometres of road could potentially be affected by flooding, and it can estimate the value of the buildings and constructions that risk damage. There is also a reporting function making it possible print out relevant data and maps. The tool moreover allows you to upload a QGIS file, so that you can work further on the same dataset and map sections in your own system.
KAMP is based on the most recent surveys and datasets available at national level. KAMP does not contain detailed local data and models, e.g. on how sewer systems and infiltration can help during extreme rainfall, or how local, already planned climate change adaption projects will reduce the risk of flooding. However, what we assume will happen often does happen in situations with major extreme weather events. Sewers are often not dimensioned to cope, and after long periods with rainfall, the soil is saturated with water and infiltration is therefore limited.
In the long term, KAMP will replace the existing tools on klimatilpasning.dk: the flood map and the sea level rise map (in Danish: Oversvømmelseskortet and Havvand på land). KAMP has been "groundwater prepped", which means that, at the beginning of 2021, the tool will be expanded with new data and maps showing areas with a high water table in an improved solution than the one we know today. This has been a long-called for feature among municipalities and other players working with climate change adaptation. KAMP will therefore replace the current groundwater map from 2012. The new high water table data and maps are being developed by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) in collaboration with the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency, among others.
With the introduction of KAMP, local-government planning and environmental workers will have easy access to selected environmental, planning and real property data from various national databases. Read more about the data sources here.
KAMP was developed by the Danish Natural Environment Portal in collaboration with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in consultation with Local Government Denmark, the Danish Business Authority, Central Denmark Region and a number of selected municipalities. Development of the tool was financed by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the initiative for climate, terrain and water under the common public-sector digital strategy.
Do you own a house, and do you want to know whether your house is at risk of flooding?
KAMP builds on national datasets geared for screening. This means the tool is only suited for preliminary analyses. In other words, if it looks like your house might be flooded, this may not necessarily be the case in practice. For example, sewers and local climate change adaptation and coastal protection works, such as basins, drains, pumps and dikes, might prevent some of all the water indicated in KAMP from ending up on your property. Furthermore, natural conditions might ensure that the water soaks into the soil quickly or that the time it takes for the water to travel across the landscape means that the water does not spread nearly as much as is shown in the map in KAMP. In many situations, it will be possible to see more maps and obtain more information on the website of your municipality.
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